Hello! My name is Harshwardhan and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet.
An experienced Full-Stack web developer with an enduring passion for continuous learning. Proficient in both leadership and teamwork, I am eagerly seeking opportunities to craft innovative solutions that enhance people's lives. I aspire to become an indispensable asset within an organization that nurtures my professional growth. I'm a passionate Developer with strong administrative and communication skills, good attention to detail and the ability to write efficient code using MERN Stack.
As I grow and flourish as a Developer, one thing which keeps me going is my inquisitiveness for discovering new things every day.
Work Experience
Full Stack Developer
actyv.ai, Bengaluru
Nov 2022 - Aug-23
Check out some of my work right here
Food Delivery App
Full Stack Food Delivery Web App, you can now provide your customers with a seamless and delightful ordering experience from the comfort of their homes.
Tech Stack : Mongodb, Nodejs, Express, Mongoose, React, Redux, Javascript, Ant Design, Firebase, Stripe
Buffer Clone
This project is clone of Buffer.com which is digital marketing management site. Here I implemented some functionalities like genetate the graph from data,connect the channels..etc
Tech Stack : React, Redux, React-redux, NPM packages,Javascript, Chakra UI, CSS
Blog App
Personal blog app build with MERN stack technology.Have features which allows user to post blogs create account,edit blogs.Has the all the functionalities which full stack app shoud have.
Tech Stack : React,Javascript, Chakra UI, CSS,Redux, ExpressJs, NodeJs, MongoDb
Fraazo Clone
This is a clone of e-commerce website named as Fraazo. Users can buy groceries on this platform. Generates a random array of items and displays it in deal of the day section. Pages: Home Page, Products Listing Page, Product Details Page, User Detail Page, Cart, Checkout & Payment Page.
Tech Stack : ReactJs, JavaScript, MaterialUI, NodeJs, MongoDb, ExpressJs
LYST Clone
This is LYST website clone.LYST is a fashion technology company, and premium shopping app.This website is build with reactjs,Chakra-UI and mongodb.have features which allow user to create account,login,search products,buy products,payment getway etc...
Tech Stack : Javascript,HTML,CSS
Sudoku consists of a 9 × 9 grid with numbers appearing in some of the squares. The object of the puzzle is to fill the remaining squares, using all the numbers 1–9 exactly once in each row, column, and the subgrid of 3 × 3.
Tech Stack : React,Javascript,HTML,CSS
Tech Stack
These are the technologies I've worked with and used them in my projects.
Chakra UI
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Communication Skills
Data Structure and Algoritham
Github Calender
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